Dec 1, 2020 | Headmasters Desk
Aug 19, 2020 | Headmasters Desk
Dear Parents Warm greetings from a very busy Merchiston. To say that things are hectic would be an understatement. COVID-19 has certainly caused us all to look at how we do things and also ensure that new possibilities and opportunities are embraced. The Merchiston...
Jul 21, 2020 | Headmasters Desk
Dear Merchiston Parents Three days after the commencement of WW2, Operation Pied Piper saw tens of thousands of children evacuated from London to the country. Moving children away from the danger was seen by some as an absolute priority. Parents faced an awful dilemma...
Jul 16, 2020 | Headmasters Desk
Dear Parents I am happy to report that we have welcomed Grade R, Grade 3 and a few Grade RRR boys back to Merchiston. Judging by the staff report backs, parent comments and the numerous photographs, all is well, and the boys are thoroughly enjoying themselves. The...
Jun 5, 2020 | Headmasters Desk
Dear Brothers of Merchiston Monday, 8 June, sees the return to your beloved school and I know that you are well ready to face the rigours and challenges on this new front. I have every confidence that you will follow every instruction. The success of our return to...